Improving the quality of life for those disadvantaged by old age or disability, enabling them to maintain their independence and live safely and comfortably in their own homes

What we do
Just some of the projects that The Dolphin Society has been involved in delivering recently are featured below.

Providing pendant alarms to isolated elderly people enabling them to call for help 24/7.

Making significant quarterly payments to WECHI’s Independent Living Fund that pays for essential repairs necessary to keep homes safe and secure for those who cannot afford to fund it themselves.

Marmalade Trust is dedicated to raising awareness of loneliness and empowering people to make connections.

Funding the home-visiting work of North Bristol Advice Centre
who report a massive increase in demand for their services. People on low income are frequently digitally excluded.
Home-visiting Advice Worker, Karen, helps with income maximisation and accessing benefits.
North Bristol Advice Centre Director, Katherine Tanko explains: “The Dolphin Society’s support is invaluable to ensuring we can continue offering our vital home visiting advice service to vulnerable older people. They really understand and support our work and three-year funding means we can focus our valuable resources on helping people and planning long term.”

Working alongside the other Bristol Societies (Anchor and Grateful) as part of the Bristol Older People’s Funding Alliance (BOPFA).
Bristol Somali Resource Centre applied to BOPFA for funding for outreach work with isolated elders. The Dolphin and Grateful Societies are proud to support this excellent work.
Managing Director, Abdullahi Farah said “The funding from St. Monica, Dolphin and Grateful Society enables us to offer much-needed support services for older people to reduce isolation and improve wellbeing.”

The Dolphin Society, with St Monica Trust, committed Age UK Bristol and Age UK South Glos. three-year funding towards supporting Information and Advice Worker posts.
“I cannot praise you enough. Liz was very knowledgeable, she guided us through the process, which we were finding very difficult.”
Benefit claimant.
“Thank you so much for looking after my safety. In particular I would like to thank all the friendly and helpful people I have come in contact with.”
Telecare Customer